What To Look For When You Buy Good Bulk Weed

When you want to buy weed in bulk, you may often be unsure where to start. Even more so when starting your search online. However, when you have the right store and supplier to visit, you can always ensure you get a fair price for a good quality of smoke. Whether you are a recreational smoker or need to focus on medical treatment, we have a range of bud strains to suit your specific preferences. But for those starting, here is some information to know when looking at the bud in front of you. 

The Structure Of Flower

Marijuana plants produce ample, dense buds when grown well. Whether Sativa or Indica, high-grade results will have thick, fragrant flowers. The density of the plant growth would be a more defining aesthetic feature between the two dominant types of cannabis. Healthy and happy plants will produce large buds for their phenotype, as each strain will have its own predicted output. Not all cannabis plants will look the same, but the structure of the bud growth can still be compared. On the other hand, airy, fluffy and compressed buds are a sign of a badly grown or undernourished plant, which will hold less THC and other cannabinoids. When you are looking at buds to purchase, larger buds with a good grow structure will still be the pick of the litter, so to speak.

Finger Feeling 

Like any other produce item or grown product, cannabis has a shelf life and is the preferred storage method. However, without the proper containment and conditions, the bud can go mouldy or lose potency due to too little or too much moisture. Not to mention that the moisture from even the most delicate flowers can decrease over time, making your bud dry, harsh, and virtually flavourless. If you need to test the texture of the bud, just press lightly on the package, and listen closely. If the bud snaps or sounds crispy, that’s a strong indicator that it is past its prime for sale.

Full Spectrum colour

Weed comes in a wide range of green, purple, pink and red hues, sometimes depending on the strain and sometimes on the environment. Often colder temperatures will yield more purple colours in plants, but at the same time, some strains will produce profound purple results organically even without impacting temperatures. Many Indica plants will show signs of purple at some point in their lives. When you inspect your bud, you need to know what to look for and whether or not you got the quality, you paid for.

Trichome Presence & Profile

A trichome is a small, antennae-like structure that grows from cannabis leaves and flowers. This little part contains all the cannabinoids and terpenes that define each strain and its effect. The higher the number of trichomes present, the better and more aromatic the bud will be and the more sticky it will be. When you touch the bud or pull it apart, some strains will show strands of trichomes, while others will have more finely packed patches. The more you can see, the more potent the bud will likely be.

Buy weed in bulk, in Canada can be challenging when you do not know what you are looking for. However, when you understand the finer details that set bud apart, you can make the best decision to get the most out of your money. Purchasing weed can be sticky when you do not know what you are looking at, but with these tips, you can find the best options. Contact us today to find out more about our available high-grade products. 



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