Should Cavities in Baby Teeth be Filled in Cumming, GA?

A lot of parents think that filling in baby teeth cavities is not worth the money, energy, and time. After all, these temporary teeth will fall out over time. In primary teeth, dental cavities should not be ignored as they can lead to tooth decay, which can result in more serious issues such as infection, malnutrition, and difficulty chewing. Taking your child to a Cumming, GA pediatric dentist will help prevent the development of cavities. But if cavities have developed, the dentist can effectively address them. 

Reasons Cavities in Baby Teeth Should Not Be Ignored

Baby teeth affect the way your child eats and speaks. Thus, they should be provided with the same care given to permanent teeth. Typically, this means getting prompt cavity treatment. When not treated promptly, dental cavities can lead to pain, swelling, and infections. When the decay gets worse and penetrates the nerve of the tooth, your little one will experience significant pain and require root canal treatment. Also, your child may not be able to chew or eat hard foods such as carrots and apples because of the pain. 

A healthy set of baby teeth sets your child up for a healthy set of permanent teeth. Meanwhile, kids with decayed baby teeth may have issues with their permanent teeth as the cavity-causing bacteria can spread easily. When baby teeth have suffered from significant tooth decay, this can cause damage to the permanent teeth before they erupt. 

Are Dental Fillings Necessary for Baby Teeth?

Generally, dentists recommend fillings in cavities. But whether or not your child needs fillings depends on some factors. Sometimes, dental fillings are not necessary for very small cavities or for baby teeth that are on the verge of falling out.

Fillings may not be necessary for small cavities that are discovered early on. Remineralization can repair these cavities. Saliva can help repair the enamel of a tooth naturally. With good oral hygiene, a healthy diet, and fluoride toothpaste, cavities may repair themselves without needing fillings. 

Helping Your Child Maintain Good Oral Health

Dental cavities are common in baby teeth. Their symptoms include tooth sensitivity, toothaches, spontaneous tooth pain, tooth discoloration, and pain when biting down. These teeth holes develop due to plaque buildup, which weakens teeth enamel. Whether your child has symptoms or not, you must book an appointment with a pediatric dentist every six months. Their dentist can make sure their teeth are growing healthily and spot any issues before they negatively affect your kid’s quality of life.   

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