How to handle the effects of suboxone?

Suboxone is a drug that is used in treating opioid addiction. It has two different drugs: naloxone and buprenorphine. Keep reading the article to know about the long term side effects of suboxone and how to handle them.


Buprenorphine is an incomplete opioid agonist. It lets it overpower opioid withdrawal signs and lower desires for opioids when hindering the effects of other opioids.


It is an opioid antagonist. It quickly reverses the opioids effects by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and hindering and reversing the other opioids effects.

Does suboxone make you constipated?

Most people ask this question- does suboxone make you constipated? Constipation is a very common suboxone side effect. A lot of over-the-counter medicines can aid in adding bulk, loosening hard stool, and increasing the stool’s water content.

What are the side effects of suboxone?

Here are some suboxone side effects that an individual can expect:

  1. Mouth numbness
  2. Dependency or abuse
  3. Respiratory issues
  4. Dizziness or drowsiness
  5. Mouth redness
  6. Suboxone headache
  7. Difficulty in focusing
  8. Tingling or numbness
  9. Reduce blood pressure
  10. Sleep issues
  11. Suboxone constipation
  12. Vomiting
  13. Stomach pain

Most of the above-mentioned side effects can be the reason behind the opioid withdrawal, too.

Dealing with the side effects

Suboxone side effects must become milder over time. For now, you can stick to some of the following tips to handle the pain:

  1. Drink more and more liquids, have more fibrous foods, and workout to avoid constipation problems.
  2. Limit caffeine consumption, avoid napping and keep a bedtime for sleep issues.
  3. Minor pains can be handled with over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen.

If you experience problems like pain or redness inside the mouth, change sides on which you dissolve the suboxone. In different terms, dissolve suboxone on the left side of the mouth one day and the right side the other day and carry on to change back and forth.

Some serious suboxone side effects

You must get medical help immediately if you experience any of these side effects:

  1. Trouble waking up
  2. Fainting
  3. Severe dizziness
  4. Extreme drowsiness
  5. Quick or irregular heartbeat
  6. Slow or shallow breathing

All these side effects can be extremely severe and lead to damage or even death. Reach out to your local doctor if you feel any of these signs.

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