Choosing Your Smart Options for the HIV Tests



What does CD4 count and viral load mean? In its basic terms, the CD4 count measures the strength of a person’s immune function, while viral range measures the amount of virus in a person’s body. Find out what these values ​​actually tell us, how they relate to each other, and how proper monitoring can prevent premature “virological failure” of individuals on HIV therapy.

How often should you test your CD4 and viral load?

With the increased effectiveness of modern antiretroviral therapy, emphasis should no longer be placed on the use of CD4 numbers as a measure of ART success. According to guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on May 1, 2014, viral loads should be used alone to determine this, while in some cases CD4 numbers may be considered optional.

What does your routine blood test mean?

When a person is diagnosed with HIV, regular blood tests are performed as therapy. These tests can be predictive of the infection that is developing or measure a person’s reaction to the drug itself detecting or even preventing the side effects that sometimes occur. Learn what these tests mean and how by understanding a few key values ​​you can better participate in the ongoing management of HIV. The chlamydia test  comes up quite important in this case.

What are the tests of genetic resistance and tropism?

There are tests that are often used to determine if a person is a candidate for a particular drug therapy and what types of drug resistance have developed in a person’s so-called “viral pool.” By performing these tests, physicians can effectively tailor therapy to the individual, ensuring the durability of treatment and optimal treatment results.

It is estimated that currently, in Spain, between 140,000 and 145,000 people live with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and that, of these, one in five (18%) is not diagnosed. The Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections considers the promotion of early HIV diagnosis a priority in order to reduce the proportion of undiagnosed people.

The early diagnosis of HIV infection carries benefits for the affected person, who can initiate treatment early, when their immune status would be less affected, and also entails benefits for the community since the person can adopt preventive measures to prevent its transmission to other people.

In December 2017, the legislation on medical devices was modified, eliminating the need for a prescription for the sale of HIV self-diagnosis products. Since January 22, 2018, the self-diagnostic test can be freely purchased in pharmacies.

You can get an HIV test at your Health Center

The free hiv test phoenix az can be performed free of charge and confidentially, within the framework of the health system, by the Primary Care Physician in your Health Center. Those people who, for whatever reason, choose not to go to their doctor, can take the test in some NGOs or acquire the HIV self-test exclusively through pharmacies (in office or online) to take the test at home.

Who should get an HIV test?

Anyone who wants to know their health status regarding HIV infection should take an HIV test. The entire population should be tested at least once in their life. Although carrying out an HIV detection test is a voluntary act.

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